I consider myself an eclectic psychologist, and I am always attempting to adapt the treatment approach to the particular needs, wishes, and capacities of the client.  Philosophically, I try hard not to leap to conclusions about diagnosis and to avoid over-pathologizing or over-labeling problems to meet particular diagnostic categories.  The goals of my work with people are always to make the presence of a therapist in the client's life eventually unnecessary, and to restore hope and confidence that the client can solve problems and move forward in life.  I am trained in psychodynamic and cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, as well as behavioral intervention and crisis management.  I have extensive experience with parenting interventions with children and teens.  I believe that the provision of psychotherapeutic services is a consumer-driven activity which should always be tailored to the particular goals and preference of the client.  Flexibility of approach, scheduling and style are therefore critical in designing treatment.  I enjoy doing this work, and derive deep satisfaction from joining with client and families to bring about improved functioning and enjoyment of life.